How to turn off read receipts on Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp and more

We all use social media in our everyday. As nowdays checking our social media have become habit for us. But many time we get unwanted messages which we don’t want to revert but that the time we got annoying with read receipts on Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp and more apps because as soon as we open that unwanted message the sender also get to known that we have read it and they started annoying us to give a feedback or a reply to there messages. That where we try to find out the way of turning off read receipts on Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp and many more app.

But thanks to these app that they allow user to To prevent those situations, apps have given users the ability turn off read receipts on instagram and much more.

So if you are also looking for the way to hide or turn off read receipts on Instagram and much more app. So here is the step by step process for you on how to turn off read receipts on Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, twitter and Apple iMessage. Let have a look at it.

How to turn off read receipts on Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and Apple iMessage

7 Easy Steps to Turn Off Read Receipts On Instagram:

Turn off read receipts on Instagram

It is not so much easy to turn off read receipts on Instagram because there is no hide ‘seen’ option on Instagram and even there is no direct settings with you can which you can turn off read receipts on Instagram. But don’t be afraid as we will tell you 9 simple steps to turn off read receipts:

  1. We all known that when ever we receive a message on Instagram, we get a push notification. So here is the first step never tap Instagram message because as soon as you open it it will mark as read and there is no change of undo it.
  2. Now as you want to read it without knowing the sender. So open the Instagram app and go to the direct message icon where you get all your Instagram messages. If you don’t known it is present in the top right-hand corner of your Instagram screen!
  3. After it open up your next step is to turn off the cellular data or put your phone on air-plane mode, also check that your WIFI is turn off.
  4. After you have read the messages by turn off the net connection, Now you have to log out from your Instagram account. But remember that you can’t connect your phone to any kind of internet connection for logging out your account.
  5. For logging out come back to news feed section of Instagram and click on your profile icon present at the bottom of your screen in the right-hand side.
  6. Now you will able to see 3 dots at the top right corner of your phone. Tap that icon and click on Log out option, you will be Logout.
  7. Now you can turn on your mobile data or WIFI connection and then log in to your Instagram profile again.

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Turn Off Read Receipts On Facebook

Turn Off Read Receipts On Facebook

Turn Off Read Receipts On Facebook is slightly tricky as the app doesn’t have a proper method that allow you to turn off ‘read receipt’ feature but you can do it with same step as we have done for Instagram. All you need is to switch off you internet connection or put your phone on ‘Airplane mode’ and then open the Facebook and read the text. After reading the messages, close the Facebook app completely. Now you can turn on your internet connection or your turn off your Airplane mode. In this way you can check the Facebook message without letting known the sender.

Turn Off Read Receipts On WhatsApp

This is the best and very much simple that why I love it. You have to simply open the app and go to Settings of your accounts. Now tap on privacy, and select Turn off Receipts. That’s it, see how much easy it is to turn Off Read Receipts On WhatsApp. But this will also not allow you to check wheather other person has read your message or not.

Turn Off Read Receipts On Twitter

Now let move on Twitter, its very easy to turn Off Read Receipts on Twitter. this feature can be turned off for Direct Messages. You just need to open the Twitter app and tap on your profile picture to open the account settings. Now you can move to Privacy option which is present on settings. Here you will find the option of Turn off Read Receipts. So you can easily turn off read receipts for your twitter messages.

Turn Off Read Receipts On Apple iMessage

For Apple iMessage users, its very much simple, even more simple that twitter. You have to just go the main Settings of the Apple iMessage app. Now simply tap on Messages and turn off the read receipts option.

We have seen all trick to turn off read receipts in this article. Hope you will now get to known how to turn off read receipts on Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, twitter and Apple iMessage. This trick will let you to read there messages without letting that person know.

Hope you like the information. Do comment us and let us known if you known any other way.

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